Blindern videregående skole, Norway's oldest IB Diploma Programme school, has been a Candidate school for the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) 4 and 5 since the academic year 2016/17. Middle Years 4 and 5 are the equivalent to Norwegian national curriculum grade 10 and grade 11 (vg1). After the Authorization in Spring 2019, Blindern is the first publicly owned school in Norway offering a 4-year IB education.
The Directorate of Education has approved the Middle Years Program (MYP) offer at Blindern vgs as a four-year trial from the 2016/2017 school year, and has been renewed in 2024.
Students applying to Middle Year 4 apply using the appropriate application form found on our website. Students applying to Middle Year 5 and DP apply through as well as by using the appropriate application form.
The application deadline for Middle Year 5 and DP is the 1st of March and for Middle Year 4 the 1st of April.
The MYP is the IB's middle year programme, an ambitious educational programme that aims to educate world citizens who will contribute to creating a more peaceful world. Students are encouraged to see global connections and learn the skills required of 21st century learners.
English is the language of instruction in the IB. MYP Blindern offers 8 subjects: English Language and Literature, Norwegian Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individual and Societies, Integrated Science, Mathematics, Physical and Health Education and Visual Art, as well as at least one Interdisciplinary Unit per year. In MYP 5 the students also complete the Personal Project, which is an individual task based on a personal interest and goal.
The Middle Years Programme is an international programme. Teaching is focused around key concepts that are taught within a global and local context. In this way, global and local issues and knowledge are brought into the classroom and made relevant to the students’ lives.
Learning to learn is a central focus in the MYP. The students are encouraged to use their knowledge and skills in new contexts. Through Service as Action projects, the students use their skills to become responsible and caring citizens of their community.
Applicants must have a registered address in Oslo municipality by the application deadline.
Applicants who are in the process of moving to Oslo are eligible to apply for a place. They will, however, not secure a place until they provide documentation to prove that they have moved to an Oslo address together with or in order to join their parent(s)/legal guardians before the start of the school year. The deadline for providing documentation is the 23 of June 2024. N.B students must have a registered address in Oslo municipality throughout the time they attend the school.
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